Manifestation Mastery

An 8-week experience designed to help you master the art of manifestation and create success beyond your wildest imagination… the easy way.

(We’re currently FULL and in Session. Join the waitlist to be notified when our next round of Manifestation Mastery launches!)

You Don't Get What You Want. You Get What You Are.

Let me tell you a quick little story about the ‘old’ Lucas (I call him Lucas 1.0, and this may get embarrassing lol). It’s the version of Lucas who, no matter how hard he worked, couldn’t manifest the life and business he wanted because he himself didn’t first become the person he needed to be to create it.

Make no mistake about it, I was ambitious. I was driven. I was a damn hard worker. I was willing to take risks and give it my all. I even had access to different courses, programs, coaches, and information. And as hard as this is to admit, I even knew what I ‘should’ have been doing. The only problem was that I wasn’t actually doing it (at least not with any sort of consistency).

The doing didn’t really inspire me, I didn’t feel in alignment, everything felt like really hard work, and I was starting to seriously doubt my ability to make a living, let alone create millions of dollars doing this whole ‘online business’ thing. I no longer felt aligned with my message. I started caring more about what other people thought of me rather than grabbing another gear and going all in on my mission (because I didn’t really know what my mission was anymore). I didn’t trust myself, my energy tanked, and I found myself having major meltdowns at least once a month.

Now here’s what finally threw me over the edge and made me really
question everything: why were other people getting great results, building exciting and inspiring businesses and lives, working with awesome clients, and making it look so dang easy… and here I was manifesting zilch.

If Any Of That Relates To You At ALL, Please Know This:

    • That procrastination you may find yourself falling into, it’s not because you’re lazy or that something is ‘wrong’ with you. It’s usually due to a lack of alignment.

    • That fear of failing that wakes you up at night, it’s there because it knows that the path we’re on isn’t meant for us. There’s a greater path that we’re destined to walk if we’d only surrender to it.

    • That content you create that no one watches or listens to, it’s not because your content is ‘bad’. It’s because often times we’re hiding our true genius and playing way too small!

    • That feeling that you’ll be found out or made an imposter, it’s not because you can’t deliver results for your clients. It’s a fancy story we’ve been telling ourselves for far too long.

    • That massive indecision between niches, branding, and messaging? It’s not because there’s no money or success to be had in whatever niche you choose… it’s because we haven’t fully allowed ourselves to own and commit to who we truly are.

    • That drained and low energy feeling isn’t because you’re not getting enough sleep or that something is ‘wrong’ with you… it’s there because it’s trying to tell you something…

If you’re open to it, then I invite you to really listen to that voice, make the necessary shifts, and ‘click’ into full alignment.

(We’re currently FULL and in Session. Join the waitlist to be notified when our next round of Manifestation Mastery launches!)

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."

– Albert Einstein

Along The Journey, I Realized A Few Simple Truths...

When I finally stepped back, reassessed my direction and vocation, and committed to showing up fully aligned no matter what, my life, business, and bank account quickly caught up and aligned with who I was becoming rather than who I had always been.

I first came to realize that you can’t create a NEW future if we continue to operate as our OLD self. You can journal, vision board, meditate, and pray all you want, but if we’re not willing to step up and begin operating as our FUTURE selves, we’ll always stay ‘stuck’ in our old realities.

Next, I realized that without crystal clear clarity on what our souls deepest desire is, we’ll constantly do things that are completely out of alignment with who we are and what we want. The feeling of ‘stuck’ quickly follows…

And finally, I realized that we already have everything inside us to create the life and business we want… it’s just going to take emptying our cup of all our limiting beliefs and making room for the new…

That's The Exact Moment My Life Went From 'Just Okay' To Extraordinary In Every Single Way...

There’s A LOT more to manifestation than just the Law Of Attraction, willpower, positive thinking, and asking the universe for what we want. In fact, there’s two sides to manifesting. On one side you have your inner world of beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. On the other side you have inspired action. When those two are a vibrational match and ‘click’ into alignment, creating what you truly want feels easy and effortless.

When I realized that I could get exactly what I wanted not by pushing and striving… but by finding inner alignment… the game became easy (and fun) to play. Here’s just a few highlights of concrete proof that when you’re ‘clicked’ in, magic happens…

    • Once my energy shifted, I started connecting with and rubbing shoulders with influencers and legends that I would have had to pay huge amounts of dollars to be around… for free.

    • A fully booked 1:1 coaching business (that seems like soooo long ago now) and more leads than I knew what to do with…

    • A top 10 rated podcast without ever really doing anything ‘special’ with it… again, it felt effortless.

    • Fully aligned and inspired action… nothing ever felt like ‘work’ anymore. It all felt like play.

    • Money and resources showed up in my life as needed in some seriously hilarious and unexpected ways… 

    • My bank account went from a whole lot of negatives to multiple 6 figure cash accounts. Yea, that’s cash just sitting there in the bank. The universe will support you if you simply let go and trust….

    • I was able to scale my online business from $5000 a month to over $100,000 a month without working harder.

    • I even attracted my dream girl into my life. I created the perfect ‘avatar’ of who I wanted, set the wheels of the universe into motion, and met her by ‘chance’ at her book release party 4 weeks later.

    • When I decided to move into my dream apartment (2016), I found a photo of the exact view I’d love to have… 5 months later, in an extremely competitive rental market, I found myself signing the papers and setting up my dream office in my new home 🙂

    • I created a vision for what my dream garage would look like, and within 12 months I had the garage with 4 motorcycles sitting in it and the exact car I always wanted.

    • I began waking up every single morning feeling in total control of my life and enjoying a deep sense of knowing that everything will be okay no matter what.

    • On top of all that, my biggest accomplishment was that I found myself operating from a place of love, joy and adventure as my new normal.

(We’re currently FULL and in Session. Join the waitlist to be notified when our next round of Manifestation Mastery launches!)

Our Outer World Is A Perfect Reflection Of Our Inner World. Only Once This Is Accepted As Truth Can We Truly Transform.

Working With And Mastering The Laws

We’ve taken what most people claim to be ‘complicated’ and simplified the entire manifestation process into 7 easy to follow laws. Once we understand and can harness these 7 laws, our ability to create becomes infinite.

Subconscious Reprogramming

Our external reality is a reflection of our internal reality. Over the course of 8 weeks we’ll be pulling out all the weeds (limiting beliefs and incomplete truth) and replacing them with new, upgraded, and aligned truths.

Total And Full Alignment

Most high achievers and high performers have no problem doing ‘work’. In fact, we sometimes work so much that we never step back and assess if we’re in alignment with both our external trajectory and our internal desires. Over our 8 weeks together we’ll ensure you’re aligned on all levels.

Creating An Inspiring Vision For Your Life

‘Without vision, the people perish’. Our main focus in the first 2 weeks of Manifestation Mastery is to help you create a VISION for your life and business that pulls you out of bed every morning and through any challenges and obstacles you may face. Think of it as rocket fuel…

Creating Soul Goals And Desires

I personally don’t believe in typical ‘goal’ setting… they’re more of an invitation to experience lack than abundance. But soul goals are a whole different stories, and we’ll be creating soul goals that make your heart sing!

Stepping Into A Whole New Identity

If we’re to change our outer reality, we must start by looking at the ‘I’. Our main focus over our 8 weeks together is to literally create a whole new YOU. 

Healing Our Relationship With Money

We’ll be having many discussions, exercises, and ‘growth invitations’ around money, wealth, abundance. and self-worth. I know for myself that when I made the nessassry internal shifts and began seeing myself as a million dollar earner, my outer reality quickly manifested to reflect that.

Learning To Let Go And Surrender

Us dreamers, high achievers, and ambitious creators have a funny habit of taking a gift and turning it against ourselves. Although drive, ambition, and work ethic is a prerequisite to success, when taken too far it turns into an obsession for control. By the end of 8 weeks you’ll find yourself driven through inspiration rather than desperation.


Ah yes, Energy! Possibly my favourite topic as it’s what’s been my ‘secret sauce’ (there is no secret by the way) ever since I began taking manifestation seriously. The reality you desire to create will take energy, and if we can’t match the energy of what we desire with the energy we’re willing to put in, then we’ll simply stay stuck. Our goal is to increase our energy day by day so that you’re a walking, talking, energized magnet by the end of our 8 weeks together,

Sneak Peak:

All of our lessons, coaching, audio experiences, and meditations we’ll be diving into over the next 8 weeks are built upon the 7 Laws Of Manifestation. Feel free to check out this ‘intro video’ inside Manifestation Mastery to get a feel for what’s to come….

(We’re currently FULL and in Session. Join the waitlist to be notified when our next round of Manifestation Mastery launches!)

This Is An 8 Week Total Life Transformation Program.

If your goal setter (the conscious mind) wants this, but your goal getter (your subconscious mind) wants that, you’ll find yourself spinning your wheels and working hard yet manifesting zero results. The results of misalignment are usually a lack of energy, feeling ‘tired’ all the time, low motivation, feeling overwhelmed, finding yourself stuck, or working hard and doing all the right things yet producing zero results.

The problem is that it’s extremely hard to become conscious of the unconscious ourselves. Facilitation is often times needed to shine a light on the darkness…

The goal of our time together is to literally reinvent ourselves over the next 8 weeks. I say ‘literally’ because you’ll actually be someone else after 8 weeks, and since we’ve become someone new subconsciously, then our thoughts, actions, and results will radically transform without having to ‘work’ hard at it.

We’ll also be working to shine light on the imposter inside us instead of being controlled by it. Waking up with a powerful purpose and a solid plan. Getting out of bed with enthusiasm, excitement, and courage to boldly face the day. Having the confidence to show up as yourself and fully share your truth with the world without fear of judgement.

And, most importantly, knowing, without a shadow of a doubt, that you’ll succeed, and having that intense self-belief manifest itself into making quick decisions and taking inspired action every single day.

One Quick Warning: You Will Be Challenged, And It Will Be Uncomfortable.

If we’re not willing to entertain the idea that our outer reality is a reflection of our inner reality, then this program may not be for you. All true transformation starts when we look in the mirror and take full responsibly for our lives.

BUT, If you’re willing to step into the arena, look into the mirror, lean in, and investigate everything you’ve ever believed to be true, then transformation awaits you. Join the waitlist and we’ll send you the details of our upcoming dates and details!

Frequently Asked Questions.

How Many People Do You Work With At A Time?

‘Without vision, the people perish’. Our main focus in the first 2 weeks of Manifestation Mastery is to help you create a VISION for your life and business that pulls you out of bed every morning and through any challenges and obstacles you may face. Think of it as rocket fuel…

Is This A Business Building Program?

I personally don’t believe in typical ‘goal’ setting… they’re more of an invitation to experience lack than abundance. But soul goals are a whole different stories, and we’ll be creating soul goals that make your heart sing!

Are We Going To Be Talking About 'God' Or Anything?

Great question! It’s worth defining what your definition and relationship with ‘God’ is first. Some call him Infinite. Some call her the Devine. Some call it god source, the almighty, or Mother Nature. We won’t be spending any time talking about religion and your religious beliefs will always be respected, but you can bet that we’ll be talking about Infinite Intelligence and learning to tap into the ‘all knowing’ inside of each and every one us!

How Much Does It Cost?

We’ll chat about pricing if you’re truly serious about

Bonus #1


A daily podcast dedicated to helping high achievers and recovering workaholics tune into an easier way of turning their dreams into reality. Enjoy a 5 minute daily sip of manifestation and lets work on removing limiting beliefs, creating a new identity, working with the law, and tuning into the frequency of love, abundance, and flow (while still getting shit done) with episodes like:

  • Money And Spirituality
  • How To Quickly Tune Into Abundance
  • A Vaccination For Your Vibration
  • Reprogram Your Subconscious Tonight
  • The Trick Behind Be -> Do -> Have… (and more!)

Bonus #2


A daily podcast dedicated to helping high achievers and recovering workaholics tune into an easier way of turning their dreams into reality. Enjoy a 5 minute daily sip of manifestation and lets work on removing limiting beliefs, creating a new identity, working with the law, and tuning into the frequency of love, abundance, and flow (while still getting shit done) with episodes like:

  • Money And Spirituality
  • How To Quickly Tune Into Abundance
  • A Vaccination For Your Vibration
  • Reprogram Your Subconscious Tonight
  • The Trick Behind Be -> Do -> Have… (and more!)